What Is the Best Season for Asphalt Driveway Installation in South Florida?

Summer or spring is the best season for asphalt driveway installation in South Florida. Installing a driveway is an investment, and you want lasting results. To ensure superior outcomes, it’s best to plan on paving in the warmer and drier months.

When Is the Best Time to Install an Asphalt Driveway?

The best time of year to install an asphalt driveway is when ambient temperatures are about 70 degrees Fahrenheit and no less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Any temperature lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit will likely impact the quality and longevity of your driveway.

That typically means spring or summer is the best season for asphalt driveway installation. South Florida is warmer than other regions in the U.S. during autumn and winter, so there’s a wider window of time to work with. Even so, planning installation and resurfacing in warmer temperatures is preferable.

Why Is Warmer Weather Better for Laying Asphalt Driveways?


Hot mix asphalt works better in warmer conditions and seasons, like spring and summer. When temperatures are high, the asphalt mix remains hot enough to pour without being too thick. Colder temperatures hinder paving crews because the asphalt cools and thickens faster, leaving less time to work and increasing the likelihood of bumps, uneven surfaces or irregular spots. Thick mixtures may also lead to buckling and cracking of the driveway.

Although it depends on where you live, most expert paving contractors recommend laying driveways when ambient temperatures are warm for that reason.

What Temperature Is Too Hot to Lay Asphalt?

While summer heat is typically favorable to cold winter weather, South Florida’s temperatures can be too high to lay asphalt at times. Asphalt retains heat and can be up to 60 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than air temperatures. That means when ambient temperatures are around 100 degrees, the poured asphalt will be close to the temperature it should be during mixing — so it will need to cool down before it can set properly.

Consult an experienced asphalt contractor to help you navigate the complexities of the elements, ensuring high quality and durability.

Asphalt Paving and Repairs

Asphalt resurfacing or installation is an excellent investment to boost curb appeal. Knowing when it’s time for a middle-of-the-ground surface repair or a new paving installation is vital.

As a knowledgeable asphalt specialist company, The Paving Lady will help you establish the ideal conditions for laying your driveway and discuss the best solutions for your property. Our services include:

Contact The Paving Lady to Install Your Asphalt Driveway

The Paving Lady is a full-service asphalt maintenance and pavement company, and we’ve been proudly serving South Florida for decades. Our highly experienced and professional team will lay your asphalt driveway efficiently, maximizing its working life.

Contact us online or call 561-567-7182 to learn more.


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